Minutes for meeting 2025-01-17
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Minutes for 2025-01-17



Composition of RSE steering group

RSE international council matrix channel website Podcast (Peter Schmidt)

Add/ask Femke De Backere (UGent) https://www.linkedin.com/in/femke-de-backere-011b374/

the people present in the call youtube event

SORSE events (https://sorse.github.io/, have stopped now)

RSEs in the world see website, https://rsecon24.society-rse.org/programme/rse-worldwide/

charter? to be developed in the world

personal interest: Jochem have been working for communities in the past

Microsoft background: other funding opportunities could be considered or in-kind contributions


GitHub is certainly fine

interesting approach by FWO to facilitate community building for Research Data Management -> FRDN

Co-organisation of Belgium RSE (full org of the community)

Hosting of events

new community meeting: Johan Philips (KU Leuven) is interested

other ad hoc meeting are of course possible


Next committee meeting